Business Communications Company - List of meetings covering advanced materials, chemical, energy, food, beverage, packaging, instruments, sensors, safety, security, and construction. |
International Youth Nuclear Congress - A network of young people interested in nuclear science and technology meeting every two years. Next meeting: Scandinavia in 2006. |
Material Science Technology Conferences - Sponsors international meetings on topics of interest to both researchers and applied industrial applications. |
ISCORMA - International Symposium on Stability Control of Rotating Machinery - An annual forum for industry and academia to share knowledge regarding the causes, behavior, and alleviation of instability phenomena in rotating machinery. |
Integrated Design and Process Technology (IDPT) - Focuses on knowledge integration through the study of processes leading to the delivery of better quality products and services. Lists past and present meetings. |
CWUAAT - Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology, incorporating the Cambridge Workshop Series on Rehabilitation Robotics. Discussions focus on rehabilitation robotics to assist the physically or mentally impaired individual. Includes list of completed research projects. Held every two years. 2nd meeting: Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, UK; 22--24 March 2004. |
Thermo Sense - Presents recent results in the application of thermal imaging to practical problems. XXVII-th meeting: Orlando, Florida, USA; 28 March -- 1 April 2005. |
European Conference on Product and Process Modeling in the Building Industry (ECPPM) - Provides a review of research, development and industrial implementation of product and process technology as it applies to the construction industry. Held every two years. |
ACT Conferences - Organizer of telecommunications technology conferences including wireless web, satellites, and the internet. |
International Rolling Technology Course (IRTC) - Covers major aspects of hot and cold flat rolling. |
Geotechnical Seminars - Offers location investigation. Seminars held annually in December in the city of Warrington, Cheshire, UK. |
Aims for Future of Engineering Science (AFES) - Sixth International Scientific Forum. Hong Kong, China; 23--30 March 2005. |
Southeast Arkansas Technology Conference - Agenda, partners, registration information, and contact details. Annual event. Second meeting: Monticello, Arkansas, USA; 16 April 2002. |
IMechE Events Research - Lists all forthcoming conferences and seminars being proposed by the Institution. |
IMTSNET - Machine tools and manufacturing technology meeting. |
SOFSEM 2006 - 32nd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Merin, Czech Republic; 21--27 January 2006. |
FMOODS 2006 - The 8th IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems: part of the federated conferences DisCoTec (Distributed Computing Techniques). Bologna, Italy; 14--16 June 2006. |
PerEL 2006 - The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on PervasivE Learning, in conjunction with IEEE PerCom 2006. Pisa, Italy; 17 March 2006. |
Transgressive Computing 2006 - University of Granada, Spain; 24--26 April 2006. |
WORLDCOMP'06 - World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. Las Vegas, NV, USA; 26--29 June 2006. |
ERCIM Calendar - European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics: calendar of events and conferences related to IT and applied mathematics. |
IEEE Conferences - IEEE hosts more than 300 conferences each year in a wide range of technical, professional, standards, education, and career-related subjects. |
TechCalendar - Searchable/Browseable event directory, with categories such as: Internet/Online, Communications, Software & Services, Vertical Markets, Computing Platforms, and Computing Industry. |
DB and LP: Conferences and Workshops - Large list of Computer Science Conferences and Workshops : past, present and future. |
WWW - International World Wide Web Conference Series. Calendar maintained by the W3 Consortium. |
International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science Schloss Dagstuhl - All past and future conferences in Dagstuhl are listed on the web site. |
Netlib Conferences Database - Information about upcoming conferences, lectures, and other meetings relevant to the fields of mathematics and computer science. |
ICFP - International Conference on Functional Programming: an annual programming language conference combining the former Functional Programming and Computer Architecture (FPCA) and Lisp and Functional Programming (LFP). It is sponsored by the ACM SIGPLAN. Pointers to the individual conferences and related links. |
ACM Events and Conferences - Online registration, calendar, and links to ACM sponsored conferences. |
eWiC - Electronic Workshops in Computing Science. Series hosted by the British Computer Society which includes the proceedings of workshops and conferences on a range of computing topics. |
STOC - Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing. |
Hot Chips - For designers and architects of high-performance chips, software, and systems, with presentations on up-to-the-minute real developments. Held at Stanford University, CA, USA each August. |
OOPSLA - Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conferences on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications. Next meeting: Seattle, Washington, USA; 4--8 November 2002. |
WSCG - Annual International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision. |
CP - International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. Links to the individual sites of the annual meetings. |
UbiComp - Venue for presenting research and development achievements in the design, implementation, deployment and evaluation of computing technology that migrates beyond our desktops. |
IFIP - International Federation for Information Processing. Calendar of Events. |
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design - Links to past and future meetings in the series. |
All Conferences Directory - Searchable database of Computer Science and Technology conferences. Organizes conferences by category and offers information regarding paper submission deadlines. |
LICS - IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science: an annual international forum on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that relate to logic in a broad sense. Links to past and future meetings, maling list, newsletters. |
SafeComp - The International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security. Past and future meetings, proceedings and related links. |
FSTTCS - Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science. Links to past and future meetings. |
IEEE Computer Society - Sponsors or cosponsors over 90 technical meetings each year. Proceedings, conference homepages, calendar, and calls for papers. |
CAV - The International Conference on Computer Aided Verification - A series of conferences on computer aided verification dedicated to the formal analysis of hardware and software. |
Recent Object Oriented Trends - The ROOTS symposium is a forum for presentation, debate and study of the latest object oriented theories and practices. The target audience is European IT professionals and managers. |
FOOL - Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages. Links to the annual workshops. |
LOPSTR - International Workshop on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation. Held annually since 1991. |
SAIG - Workshop on Semantics, Applications, and Implementation of Program Generation. Links to regular workshops and other events. |
EUFIT - From 1994 - 1999 the ELITE Foundation (European Laboratory for Intelligent Techniques Engineering) annually organized EUFIT - The European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Tables of contents of proceedings and order forms. |
STACS Websites - Links to the series Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. |
Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC) - Links to the 27th to 35th STOC sites. |
MobiCom - ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. Links to the conferences held since 1995. |
Conferences and CfP Deadlines - List of deadlines for Conferences in the fields of Informatics, Knowledge Management, CSCW, and Computer Science: maintained by Dick Stenmark. |
MMSIG - ACM Multimedia Special Interest Group conferences. |
VLDB - Very Large Data Bases Conference. Annual series: links to individual meetings. |
Logic and Algorithms - Research session at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK; 16 January -- 7 July 2006. |
SIGACT Theory Calendar - A list of conferences in Algorithms and Computation Theory maintained by Sriram V. Pemmaraju. Available in HTML, PS, PDF. |
Joe Mitchell's Event List - A comprehensive list of sites of interest in computational geometry, algorithms, graphics, visualization, and related topics. |
Workshop on Algorithms And Data Structures - Held in odd-numbered years, alternately with the Scandinavian Workshop of Algorithm Theory. Next meeting: Waterloo, Canada; 15--17 August 2005. |
ALGO 2005 - Including ESA, WABI, WAOA and ATMOS. Eivissa, Balearic Islands, Spain; 3--7 October, 2005. |
WAOA 2005 - Third Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms: part of ALGO 2005. Hotel Torre del Mar, Ibiza, Spain; 6--7 October 2005. |
ACID 2005 - Algorithms and Complexity in Durham 2005. University of Durham, UK; 8--10 July 2005. |
The Prague Stringology Club Conference - An annual conference on stringology and related areas. Next edition: Prague, Czech Republic; 29--31 August 2005. |
DevTownStation - Provides a calendar of events, listed by date or topic. |
KioskCom - Devoted to the promotion of kiosk technology and its various applications. Highlights of past events, upcoming conferences, product and service directory, news, forums, and free newsletter. |
Software Technology Conference - Offers conference information - including speakers, location and trade show. |
Software Council of Southern California - A non-profit, membership-only trade association, comprised of software development organizations, as well as those companies that provide support and services to the local software industry. Includes information on VentureNet conference, membership and events. |
OracleWorld - Conference for corporate IT executives, Oracle developers, customers and partners. Archives of past events and details about upcoming ones. |
All Conferences Directory - Searchable database of software and computer science conferences organizes conferences by category and offers information regarding paper submission deadlines. |
Citrix iForum - Showcases solutions to solve the problem of remote and mobile information access. Annual event. |
Gibraltar Trade Center's Michigan Computer Show - Michigan-based 3 day shows that feature a wide variety of computer hardware and software, new and used. Vendors from across the Midwest participate with CDs, shareware, books, modems, hard drives, monitors, scanners, keyboards, and computer furniture. |
The Electronic Commerce for Software Conference (EC4S) - Annual conference on technologies and business practices for Electronic Commerce and Licensing for the Software Industry. Previous presentations and attendees, upcoming dates and locations, call for papers, and contact information. |
KGP Productions - Holds computer shows in the northeastern United States. |
SIGS/101 Conferences - Provides a listing and overview of conferences organized by this group. |
AACE Calendar of International Conferences -
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education is an international, educational and professional not-for profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the knowledge, theory, and quality of learning and teaching at all levels with information technology. |
Nielsen Norman Group - Events organized by the Nielsen Norman Group. Topics include user experience design for websites, intranets, software, and products, usability lifecycle, intranet usability, and information foraging. |
WWW2006 - World Wide Web Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland. 22-26 May 2006. |
ICEIS 2006 - 8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Paphos, Cyprus. 23-27 May 2006. |
IEA2006 - 16th congress of the International Ergonomics Association. 10-14 Jul 2006. Maastricht, the Netherlands. |
IWIPS 2006 - "The role of design [research, education, and practice] in international product development" - 8th International Workshop on Internationalization of Products and Systems. Kansas, US. 13-15 July 2006. |
Webstock web conference - A four-day conference-cum-workshop on web design. 23-26 May 2006. Wellington, New Zealand. |
TableTop 2006 - 1st IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems. Adelaide, South Australia, 5-7 January 2006. |
APCHI 2006 - 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer-Human Interaction. 11-14 Oct 2006. Taipei, Taiwan. |
CHI 2006 - "Interact. Inform. Inspire" - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Quebec, Canada. 22-27 April 2006. |
SIGGRAPH - Yearly US conference and exhibition on computer graphics. |
International Conference on Virtual Storytelling - This international conference will gather researchers from the scientific, artistic and industrial communities to discuss and explore ideas for the use of Virtual Reality technologies for creating, populating, rendering and interacting with stories. |
INTUITION Workshop on Virtual Reality - International Workshop on Virtual Reality aims at bringing VR experts together by allowing them to get in touch with up-to-date VR developments from the major stakeholders in the field. - Athens, 22 September 2004 |
WWCS 2007 - International conference on Work with Computer Systems. 21-24 May 2007, Stockholm. |